Thursday, August 16, 2012


Now that summer is nearly over and its back to books and cold weather, this picture of the first day of summer reminds me of the magic in life.
Enjoy the remaining days of summer my friends.

Deal Breakers

Dear Readers,

Today's topic is deal breakers in dating.

As a young twenty something old beautiful single woman, immersed in two very different cultures, navigating the process of dating has been both daunting and exciting. I have met men who are open minded, funny smart and care about the world around them. I have also met men who hold views that have both appalled and disappointing me.
Shall we call this guy Mr. X now? Miss J meets this very smart, education, and funny guy....thinks he is nice, gets to know him more, tells him stories of her first summer in America, her adventures living with a couple that is near and dear to her, only to notice that he is suddenly uncomfortable. The problem? The dear friends that hosted me that summer happen to be a happily married lesbian couple.

Mr. X does not support gay marriage and he quickly lets me know that. I immediately want to let him know that we can only be platonic friends now but upon getting home I change my mind and decide to forward him some of my favorite Human Rights Campaign literature. Mr.X replies with a simple "I don't consider homosexuality a human right." I reply that, "Am sure you are aware that not acknowledging the facts about something does not necessarily change those facts. However, some people choose to ignore the facts anyway so that they do not have to change their opinions."

Mr X replies by further explaining his views which are that " Homosexuality is scientifically fruitless, if you want to speak on factual terms. It is a terrible waste of human sexuality and comes very short of the great workings of the REPRODUCTIVE system in the human beings. It is a sickness."

At this point I reply with the following:

 Bhaa your argument is so illogical---"the great workings of reproduction?" what the hell does that mean? Am guessing that this rests on the assumption that the sole purpose of sexual acts is reproduction. We all know it is not. The only way that homosexuality can be de-legitimized on the basis of the reproduction argument is by also de-legitimizing all other forms of sexual acts that do not produce children.

The only thing I see as a waste here is the energy used to villianize homosexuality especially by people who belong to religions that teach us to love one another and leave judgment to God. Why are others so concerned with what others do in the privacy of their bedrooms anyways? The argument is as simple as if you don't like homosexuality then do not engage in it.

Also it is very peculiar that some so called "immoral" acts get more attention than others. Only way that this extreme discomfort with homosexuality can be justified on moral grounds is with being equally uncomfortable with all other forms of sin because telling white lies, fornication, envy. hate e.t.c are all at par with homosexuality. Until we are all as uncomfortable with those as we are with homosexuality then all our attempts at calling homosexuality Sickness are at best laughable.

Also on your point that homosexuality is scientifically fruitless, this is a false claim. Homosexual is very physically pleasurable and love between gay couples translates into the same psychological and physical benefits that psychologists have observed in straight couples.

Also why should anyone care about whether somebody else is "wasting" their sexuality? Who made anyone a judge over how others choose to use their sexuality, potential or talents? If waste is the only thing wrong with this am sure we can come up with hundreds, if not thousands, other forms of waste that humans engage in. So how exactly do we choose what forms of waste to condemn and persecute? How exactly do we form tribunals to police if others are "Wasting" ? If we do not condemn the waste of all other forms of human capacities with the same intensity that we condemn homosexuality, then policing the "waste" of sexuality is at best purely unfair and targeted harassment and motivated by other ulterior motives and not the aim of "saving" the wasted sexuality.

It is sad and disturbing at best that people like you still think along these lines of thought yet claim to be so ohh logical.

Mr X's views on homosexuality are a deal breaker in my books.

What are some of your deal breakers my dear readers? 

Ohh also, after that last email Mr.X does not reply.