Friday, April 29, 2011

Smart Engineer Raila Amollo Odinga does not approve of reducing the MPs allowances but he has no qualms about taxing NGOs. Who Knew?

So Raila wants to cushion the poor by taxing the NGOs helping the poor??? The hypocrite apparently opposed Minister Kiemi Kilonzo's plan to reduce MPS allowances and salaries but he has no qualms about taxing NGO....(I wonder why.......) Could this be because he wants to stay in the good favor of the MPs for the sake of his presidential ambitions??? And who is he serving here? Raila or Kenyans??? We know the answer. I really don't know why our highly educated engineer can propose such an idiotic measure as sending money to the poor through their mobile phones. The poor don't need money through their mobile phones. They need accountability from their leaders-tackle corruption, ensure that the crisis department of the government is working properly to actually respond to Hunger with both food and vital services not money through mobile phones. Make Kenya safe and stable so that it is lucrative to investors.  The poor need education and some level of job skills so that they can compete in the global job market. The poor need skills so that they can pioneer economic ventures to generate income. I know Raila knows this already but money though mobile phones alone will solve very little. Also with the very high rates of corruption in Kenya, Raila will need to explain to us very carefully how we are to believe that this money will actually reach the poor and not end up in foreign accounts for 2012 elections.
Might I also mention to Engineer that the NGOs he wants to tax provide the poor vital training necessary to jump start their journey into financial independence but off-course that doesn't not matter when the presidency is at stake-let us tax NGOs and instead use that money to create a governmental dependence from the poor-you see a dependent lot is easy to manipulate for a lot of things including Votes....

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Minister Sonko of Makadara Where Are Those Jobs You Promised Makadara Youth?
Kenyan youth wake up and smell the coffee-let us vote for leaders that truly represent our interests and not just people with pomp and poise. Sonko has failled Makadara youth-

I am very disappointed that his honorable has not issued a statement concerning the looting of the young man's shop. While Sonko might not have been directly responsible, this is his constituency where he won largely due to the youth vote. At the very he owes the honest hardworking people of Makadara a statement discouraging jobless youth from stealing and encouraging them to go find work like that man they looted. He is self employed and that is work. Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. By being innovative and starting a business you will contribute to economic growth. 

Ohh wait, silly me-how can Sonko issue a statement while his very political survival depends on the existence of desperate jobless youth who idolize him and are therefore more likely to vote for him and follow him in Masses? Mhh I forgot.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Ocampo Six Hague Hearing

Finally, I am so glad that the people of Kenya are getting the justice they deserve I can’t even begin to tell you. I thought that maybe Ruto needs to hire an image consultant because he appeared quite arrogant while responding to his charges and I am not sure that that is an image he would want to project to that particular court. I hope his lawyers will advise him to do that… but then again if he doesn’t the court will get to see the true personality of an African politician suffering from the big man syndrome. I am quite sure there are better ways that he could have conveyed his surprise for the “absurd” crimes he is being charged with that could actually show the genuine surprise expected from an “innocent” person getting to hear, for the first time, that they are being charged with very heinous crimes. (No wonder the judge told him to sit down).

I wonder what the his lawyers had to say to the first the first year associates doing research for this case. How did they explain his opening again? It appears that they didn’t watch the trial of Charles Tailor to see all the work that was done to soften his image? (now if even a man like Tailor can make considerable efforts to bring out his soft side, am sure Ruto can too). What was with that coat that looked like a Mafia coat? I am talking of the one his outer coat. Then under neath it the very sleek looking business suit often associated with men in tough professions (Mhh that coat did nothing to soften his image too). Also it appears to me that the faces he was making while being read his charges appeared quite arrogant and cold rather than concerned.  Even Henry Kosgei appeared to have a softer image than him. I would think that for a man facing charges on crimes against humanity would want to project a softer side of him. Contrast his image with that of Charles Tailor’s opening. Tailor’s suit struck the perfect balance of formal enough for a court but also wedding or church looking-complete with the colored clothe at the side pocket to subconsciously trigger our feeling of familiarity, softening him up, because his manner of dressing automatically makes us associate him, subconsciously with the men we interact with in social functions like churches and weddings (typically this are people we perceive as good or are close to). Tailor then proceeds to open by talking about his big family, his love and support for them and his commitment to justice softening his image even more-notice he still vehemently denies the charges against him quite eloquently without seeming rude or arrogant. All though the hearing he also appears distressed, concerned and surprised without necessarily appearing arrogant.  Ruto’s lawyers should seriously work on his image. Makes me wonder if they did not advice him about his opening or even practice it with him. Wowww!!! I bet you the associates who prepared him are being fried for that “blunder” or maybe not… ohh well…….

An Open Letter to Prime Minister Raila Odinga

An Open Letter to Prime Minister Raila Odinga
Ref: Your Orders to the Police to Arrest Gay Kenyan Citizens
Greetings from a proud Kenyan and congratulations on your many accomplishments. To many Kenya you are a symbol of true leadership, courage and strength for your ardent opposition of Moi’s oppressive regime that was rife with intimidation, corruption, arrest of political activists and the disappearance of citizens.  To many Kenyans, your leadership during the constitution review commission was an extension of your stellar leadership legacy.
While I laud you for your service to Kenyans, I am deeply disappointed that you have instructed the police to arrest the gay Kenyans. Your comments unfortunately should qualify for "hate speech" studied critically.  Your remarks that gay Kenyans have a mental disorder are misinformed and dangerous. Scientific studies have since revealed that in fact gay people do not suffer from a mental disorder. Homosexuality has been recorded in approximately 500 species of animals, including dolphins, bisons, whales, walruses, swans, antelopes, giraffes, and chimpanzees, the primates. Considered the closest living relative to humans, bonobos are not shy about seeking sexual pleasure from members of the same sex. Studies show that Certain DNA patterns on the X chromosome (the genes a man inherits from his mother) appear to be associated with male homosexuality.
Your instructions to the police are dangerous because they are impossible to implement without an infringement of other fundamental rights. So how will the police differentiate gay Kenyans from straight Kenyans? Follow them to the privacy of their bedrooms to observe what sexual acts they engage in? According to the constitution, this is a breach of privacy and is a criminal act. The only way the police can rightfully claim to arrest a gay couple legitimately is if they are caught engaging in sexual acts publicly. These would not be a unique case for gay couples only because any couple, straight or gay, caught in public sexual acts can be arrested for indecent exposure.  In order for gay Kenyans to be arrested for being gay they will need to actually be caught engaging in same sex sexual acts which is impossible without the police breaching their privacy.  
In addition, the constitution of Kenya does not provide a provision for the arrest of citizens by Executive order. Homophobia, like all racism and sexism is rooted in the inability to accept and celebrate our differences. Gay Kenyans are responsible citizens who have impacted our lives in many positive ways. They are our sisters, brothers, mothers, aunts, friends and neighbors and like all other human beings, they deserve their rights and protection from the law.  How are we being negatively affected by their lifestyle? Why should a whole nation be concern with what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms? Since sexual orientation is a private matter, the liberty of homosexuals should be equality protected. Individuals should be free to express their love to other consenting adults as long the exercise does not infringe upon another person’s autonomy. When homosexuals are denied their rights, they are treated as second class citizens, which is an infringement on their liberty. Heterosexuals and homosexuals share a host of commonalities: those in committed relationships share mutual love, respect and support stabilizing society. What is unnatural about falling in love? The question of whom to love, marry, how to express sexual intimacy and whether to establish a family are among the most basic of every individual’s liberties. The government should not interfere (unless the interference is a protection of this right) with personal decisions relating to marriage.
Thank you for your consideration of the above issues, as a leader of all the Kenyan people with the best interests of all Kenyans at heart.
 The Kenya Uchunguzi Torch

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Raila is not commited to democracy or justice- He is only interested in power.

You cannot fight for justice by killing innocent people and destroying their property based on their ethnicity. –this fact am sure our good old educated engineer Prime Minister Raila Odinga knows too well. While I do agree that the ECK perhaps engaged in questionable conduct over the hotly contested presidential election- Raila and ODM's response was one of a leader and a party that put its interests first and the country’s in the back banner. Is this a leader we want? Raila had the option of going to court to challenge Kibaki’s victory but he instead opted for the streets. That is why I believe that even his promise for peace during the ongoing Hague trials are hypocritical and too little too late. While this promise will undeniably have great effect, why didn’t he make this same plea back in 2007? Ohh well, at-least he is doing something this time.... If Raila is so committed to justice and reconciliation, why isn’t he pressing for the resettlement of the IDPS? (Just in case he is waiting to deliver miracles in the brisk of the next elections-well, I hope Kenyans will know the truth then and understand that they are not being resettled for their sake but for the same of garnering votes-Mhhh educated prime minister Kant is so disappointed with the possibility of you using others as a means to an end).
Raila is a man who has demonstrated that votes and popularity are clearly up high on his priority list evidence from his political double speak : Jail homosexuals then not jail them… Really? Go to the Hague then we need a deferral…….Really?  While Raila’s homophobia-gets-votes campaign might have won him supports from the right wing and religious groups, it endangered a large number of the citizens he is supposed to serve and protect as a leader. Is this a man we really want for the presidency?
Kenyans let us choose our political leaders wisely and remember that the 2008 post election violence  displaced up to 600,000 Kenyans and left more than 1,100 dead, dividing what was once considered the most stable country in the region down tribal and ethnic lines. Victims were hacked to death with machetes and metal bars, houses torched and in one of the worst attacks, around 30 people were burnt alive in a church in the Rift Valley. Let us do everything possible to prevent this situation from ever happening again.
The claim by  Raila and ODM that they protested and took to the streets to protect democracy is highly hypocritical since evidence shows that they were involved in eroding this same democracy they were alleged protesting to protect.  How can you claim to be protecting that which you are abusing? Mhhh I really don't understand.... On January 17, 2008, three weeks after the disputed presidential election, Ambassador Michael Ranneberger dispatched an unclassified cable looking at the results of the election.  He claimed that “We found evidence of rigging on both sides and confirmation that some of the rigging took place inside ECK headquarters itself. By analyzing various data-sets, we developed scenarios that could point to either a Kibaki or a Raila victory. “We do not think it will ever be possible to tell definitively who won the election. This is due in part to the compromise of the election officials and election-related ballots and forms, but also because our estimated number of ‘ghost votes’ (i.e. stuffed ballots) from both sides easily exceeded Kibaki’s margin of victory,” states the cable. The cable adds, “the cheating” in vote tallying at the Electoral Commission of Kenya between December 28 and 30 “was done exclusively by PNU partisans in Kibaki’s favor”. The cable makes clear that “there was cheating at constituency level by the ODM and PNU”. It ultimately concludes that there was massive cheating on both sides. According to Ambassador Michael Ranneberger, the margin of victory for either side is slim and ultimately unknowable”. Could this be reason why Raila did not opt to challenge Kibaki's victory in court? Fellow Kenyans lets think about it..........
Raila believes in power not democracy and he will do anything to get this power.
Kenyans let us not be fooled by the current political elite- It is time we started truly looking into our communities to find the often under-appreciated heroes and leaders working to transform our communities in various ways. Have you talked to your fellow youth organizers this month? Have you worked with your community to keep your village clean, mentor the youth to stay in school, campaign against drugs or had an honest conversation with your friends about the dangers of HIV/AIDS.  By honest conversation here I don't mean right wing guilting and condemnation or the nonsense tumechill campaigns-in an ideal world that would work but the truth is that we live in a human world with people prone to error, attracted to pleasure and curious about their bodies. The truth is that people are having sex outside of marriage- maybe even some of you reading this have done that or are doing it. Therefore, we cannot afford to continue endorsing abstinence as the only option. Statistics show that this option is failing us miserably with a devastating high cost of  both lives and money. The people of Kenya need to learn about their options in engaging in safe sex. Its time to have that comprehensive hard talk about choices and contraceptives. Have you encouraged someone to stay in school  and take education as a pathway to transform their lives?  Have you used your money to help someone stay in school? Have you discussed with your friends democracy, leadership and good governance? Let us expose the hypocrisy of our current leaders and start holding them accountable to the Kenyan people.  
In-case you are wondering, I have focused on Raila because despite his disservice to the people of Kenya, he enjoys an almost cult like following -this is how dictators are made fellow Kenyans- power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely unless there are checks and balances to hold powerful leaders accountable. When a leader knows that he can do almost anything and get away with it, am inclined to think that he will be tempted to do more bad things. It is crucial to hold our leaders accountable- let us judge them based on their competence, honesty, accountability, and their vision for our country off-course coupled with the plans they have for accomplishing those visions.
Raila is considered a reformist by many. My fellow Kenyans, if this are the reformists we have, where is our country headed to? Let us look into our communities for the true reformists-our teachers, parents, and neighbors- the hardworking Kenyans working day and night to make ends meet amidst extreme poverty, diseases, corruption, drought and escalating food prices. Slightly more than half of the Kenyan population is living on less than a dollar a day while our members of parliament brag on national television about 2500 KSh lunches at prestigious hotels and refuse to pay taxes despite their handsome salaries. (note-the number of Kenyans below the poverty line might actually be higher than the statistics show-due to the decline in value of the US dollar, more people have been bumped up the poverty line).  
My fellow Kenyans, how can our legislators be among the highest paid in the world, taking home a whopping 85000 KSh per month, in a country where slightly more than half the population lives below the poverty line?

Come 2012 let us send everybody who did not serve us properly home.
My fellow Kenyans, look at the pictures bellow and tell me what you see.