Friday, April 29, 2011

Smart Engineer Raila Amollo Odinga does not approve of reducing the MPs allowances but he has no qualms about taxing NGOs. Who Knew?

So Raila wants to cushion the poor by taxing the NGOs helping the poor??? The hypocrite apparently opposed Minister Kiemi Kilonzo's plan to reduce MPS allowances and salaries but he has no qualms about taxing NGO....(I wonder why.......) Could this be because he wants to stay in the good favor of the MPs for the sake of his presidential ambitions??? And who is he serving here? Raila or Kenyans??? We know the answer. I really don't know why our highly educated engineer can propose such an idiotic measure as sending money to the poor through their mobile phones. The poor don't need money through their mobile phones. They need accountability from their leaders-tackle corruption, ensure that the crisis department of the government is working properly to actually respond to Hunger with both food and vital services not money through mobile phones. Make Kenya safe and stable so that it is lucrative to investors.  The poor need education and some level of job skills so that they can compete in the global job market. The poor need skills so that they can pioneer economic ventures to generate income. I know Raila knows this already but money though mobile phones alone will solve very little. Also with the very high rates of corruption in Kenya, Raila will need to explain to us very carefully how we are to believe that this money will actually reach the poor and not end up in foreign accounts for 2012 elections.
Might I also mention to Engineer that the NGOs he wants to tax provide the poor vital training necessary to jump start their journey into financial independence but off-course that doesn't not matter when the presidency is at stake-let us tax NGOs and instead use that money to create a governmental dependence from the poor-you see a dependent lot is easy to manipulate for a lot of things including Votes....

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