Sunday, April 7, 2013



 Am very disappointed to read all the flack Ciku Muriuki is receiving for having allegedly been romantically involved with the Artur Brothers... Apparently Kenyans are more concerned about policing a woman's sexuality than dialoguing about the highly disturbing issues the investigative report was on. You see, the real problem here stems from the fact that Shiku has busted numerous Kenyan men on radio for cheating on their wives. Therefore, this incident is a chance to punish her for holding the numerous men she has busted accountable to their actions.... The real problem is that married Kenyan men feel entitled to philandering without any questions whatsoever....Any woman who violates this "right" must be punished!!! She must be shamed to silence for her own sexual choices so that she can leave the men to cheat in peace.... I see lots of you saying that Ciku was busted herself and that this was karma, she was not-at the time she was a grown single woman entitled to have consensual sex with any consenting adult she deemed appropriate... 
Even more disturbing is the fact that lots of the comments are bordering on harassment and "slut" shaming.... They are quite telling about the attitudes Kenyans hold towards woman: 1. Women should never question cheating men-this is punishable. 2. "Good" women do not have consensual sex with foreign visitors... 3. If you want to get away with a crime in Kenya, you better have a woman to shame as a way to distract the people's attention. 4. Kenyans are more concerned with whom a consenting adult woman allows access to her vagina than with the other "trivial" corruption issues being uncovered by the investigative report....
Its a shame that fellow woman are also participating in harassing Ciku....We are are propagating attitudes that allow our married men to philander as much as they wish while shaming single women for engaging in coitus with men we find "unacceptable"... We do not get to choose a woman's sexual partner, she does the choosing! 


I beg to differ with the point that anybody associated with the Artur brothers is bound to receive the same intense criticism Ciku is receiving.... They are not... the report clearly showed lots of corrupt public officials who conspired with the brothers to murder, sell drugs and other things...ALL THOSE OFFICIALS that harmed our country were MEN-however, Kenyans choose to focus on that ONE WOMAN whose only crime was sleeping with the brothers... Ciku was not involved in the conspiracies---lets just say that she slept with the men and that was it! Do you want to tell me that she deserves MORE condemnation than ALL THE MEN who conspired to murder and rob? It certainly seems so from the trending conversations.... Why aren't we criticizing the corrupt public officials who actually caused harm us harm with the same intensity? Why aren't we criticizing the Othaya senator's daughter with the same intensity? Seems to me like she was actually more deeply involved with the brothers-both business wise and romantically.... However, since she is a daughter of a famous and wealthy family she is given a pass. The truth is that as a country we are making Ciku an easy target for unloading our collective frustrations with a deeply corrupt government that has failed us!!! WHY? because she is a woman, not as politically connected or wealthy.... We are a people so scared and intimidated by the corrupt public officials and money that we stay away from deeply criticizing the real offenders.... Instead we decided to pick on Ciku because she is a relatively safe target... SHAME ON US! If as a country we could go after the corrupt public officials the same way we go after women who we perceive have violated our pretentious distorted sense of morality, Kenyan could be a paradise free corruption.... The other day was RIP Caroline Mutoko, now its Ciku Muhuri... I have never seen any pages dedicated to considering dead any influential public officials that have actually conspired to murder, corrupt and sell drugs in our beautiful country.... These officials are our heroes-we admire their big cars, their flashy clothes and even elect them to offices including the most powerful office in our land.... The flack Ciku and Caroline received constitute violence against women and it is very unfortunate.... As a country we are so oppressed that we take out our frustrations on the women who are holding their own, being outspoken and fearless... Truth is to be a woman, not as wealthy or influential and outspoken is to be on the wrong side of patriarchy.... Ciku has a right to engage in consensual coitus with whomever she deems appropriate, on the other hand, our public officials do not have a right to murder, engage in corruption or sell drugs.... Let us go after the real offenders and leave ciku alone....

1 comment:

  1. Sleep with the aturs;Let me not puke.Even if its looking for white skin that was dirty.No wonder i hear many foreigners saying kenyan women are cheap.
